Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Thrill of Victory & The Agony of Defeat

The Thrill of Victory & The Agony of Defeat

When I was a young girl, I had the confidence, tenacity and spirit to accomplish ANYTHING I set my mind to. And I did.

I committed -- and never ever "half-assed" any project, homework assignment or task. A deep sense of pride drove everything I attempted. The result? My adolescence was a remarkable concoction of report cards with perfect attendance and straight A's.

Winning the Geography Bee was the highlight of my life; that is, until I was crowned the Knowlton Elementary Fiesta Float-Making Parade Grand Champion in the 2nd grade. I was the classic over-achiever. Walls and shelves adorned with blue ribbons and oversized trophies.

But, most, my winning streak came to a halting end.

I'll never forget my first defeat as a lanky, awkward, freckle-faced 14 year old freshman.

I wanted to be a cheerleader in the worst way. I begged my mom to let me take tumbling classes. I practiced my cheer every day; every free period, in the bathroom during P.E., in my room in front of my full length mirror. I was a shoe-in. Why wouldn't I be? I had taken so much time with my cheer, tweaking it daily to perfection. I deserved this.

My cheer was different, creative, unique....SO unique, in fact -- that the day of tryouts, well... I forgot it.

 My mind went blank. I froze. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just stood there, paralyzed in fear and embarrassment. I finished with an awkward half-toe-touch, faked a smile and hastily ran out of the gym before I broke into a sloppy mess of mocos and tears.

Fast-forward a decade (ok, maybe two). The sting I once felt from those defeats are long gone, the tears replaced with fond memories and laugher.

Back then, it felt like the end of the world. My life was OVER.

But, wasn't.

I woke up the next day. I went to school. I tried out for the dance team, and not only did I make it -- I found out that I had quite the passion and talent for it. Many opportunities greeted me down the road, and even still now.

You see...every defeat teaches you a lesson, or leads you down a journey on the path less traveled. In the end, you are better for it. Have faith that in every defeat there is a victory right around the corner.

Life. Goes. On.

My point?

Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Give every bit of your heart and soul to EVERYTHING you do, without the fear of failure. Prepare to be best of your ability. Expect the best. You WILL fail, eventually. Everybody does. But don't use that as an excuse to give up. Put your big boy (or girl) pants back on, and keep on truckin'.

You see, those who fear the agony of defeat....
also never feel the THRILL of VICTORY.
Yup. That's me in the throws of my perfect attendance streak.

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