Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012...Hello 2013!

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” ~Helen Keller

As a new year approaches, like many others, I take a moment to look back on the last 12 months of my life. A year ago, I was in a very different place.

I always say there is an easy way that I measure my own personal success. I reflect on the past year, and ask myself... "Am I in a better place? Am I happier?"

I can honestly say the last year has been one of significant changes for me. Besides the obvious professional changes, making the jump from behind-the-scenes to in front of the camera, and moving from a TV station I'd been at almost a decade to FOX, many other things have changed. A move like that does such much more than change your career. It changes your life. I have lost some friendships but gained so many new ones, jumped head first into a new adventure and also faced some of the greatest challenges of my life. I have had several disappointments but many more moments of success and fulfillment; but, in the end...my life is significantly better. I'm happier. I'm affecting change, inspiring people....and for me, that's the true measure.

So, as we say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013, so too can we use that analogy within our own lives.

Let go of the past. Say goodbye to the bad experiences, the loss, the disappointments. Forgive those that have hurt you and decide that today, you're going to LET IT GO. Ask yourself, "What did I learn from this?"...there is always a lesson, and MOVE ON!

Turn around and look at the door ahead. When you step over that threshold, don't look back. Decide that this is YOUR year, that you WILL have happiness. For no other reason, than...that you deserve it. Be FEARLESS!!

Remember this. People come into your life for a reason, a season or lifetime. Don't get hung up on loss, instead be thankful that you had those experiences, those people in your life, for as little or as long as God saw fit. You see, your life will align the way you choose it to. Your thoughts are your reality. What we think is what we are. God has a plan and the wheels are always in motion, whether it seems like it or not.

Live a life of gratitude, reflection, and faith...open your heart and mind, and continue to receive your blessings!

Happy New Year!
¡Feliz año nuevo!

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